Ariel Felner
Ben Gurion University
Ariel Felner is a Full Professor in the Department of Information System Engineering, at Ben-Gurion University.
My research area is heuristic search in Artificial Intelligence. I am interested in all aspects of heuristic search, including theoretical foundations, new search algorithms, the study and development of heuristics and applying all these to different domains and settings.
Special focus of recent research is given to the multi-agent path finding problem which can be expressed as a single-agent search problem and other settings. I have a joint grant on this topic with Prof. Sven Koenig and Prof. Nathan Sturtevant. We have a page devoted to Multi-agent Path Finding here.
Recently together with colleagues we have started a new research direction that tries to understand the nature of bidirectional search. We have many new understandings on this issue. In addition, we have started to work recently on the topic of multi-objective search and have various new understandings in that area.
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